
India is known as the land of con­trasts, col­ors, odors, over-pop­u­la­tion, human crowds, ori­gin of cer­tain reli­gions (Hin­duism, Sikhism and Bud­dhism) and last but not least for its breath­tak­ing nature. Dur­ing my sev­er­al months trav­els through this mas­sive coun­try I could get a good impression.

Some things India has taught me:

1. You won’t find some­thing out­side which is not already with­in your­self. Look behind the make up of me.

2. Your heart is your home. Nei­ther a coun­try or 4 walls give you the sta­bil­i­ty you need to feel safe.

3. Be patient with your­self. Let your­self allow to expe­ri­ence your­self and to do mis­takes. It’s okay. That’s life is for.

I’ve put a map at the end of this page so that you know the loca­tion of the region I report of. Like this you can fol­low my route.

By click­ing the pic­tures of the Indi­an states you’ll be direct­ed to the report.
