
2 Weeks


Because of my sick­ness in Del­hi I lost a whole week for explor­ing Rajasthan. So I decid­ed not to go to Udaipur and Bund­hi (i will do for sure on my next trip) for stay­ing longer in Jaipur, Jodh­pur, Pushkar and Jaiselmer. 11 days isn´t quite a long time for these cities but nev­er­the­less I should receive a beau­ti­ful impres­sion of this man­i­fold rajasthanic state!

I booked a night bus from Del­hi to Jaipur and arrived at 5 am at my hotel, which I booked in advance. It was sug­gest­ed by Lone­ly Plan­et recom­mo­da­tions. Unfor­tu­nate­ly the hotel was ful­ly booked out so that I had to wait untill noon to get into my room. I was very tired from the bus ride so I was too lazy to vis­it the city cen­tre dur­ing wait­ing for the room. Most the time I wait­ed in the hotel lob­by and at the roof top ter­rasse where one of the best rat­ed restau­rants for indi­an cui­sine is locat­ed. When I final­ly got my room I took a lit­tle nap and met lat­er some locals who showed me around. We took a car and drove to the fort and oth­er sights. I likes Jaipur already much more than Del­hi. It´s not as crowdy and chaot­ic as Indias cap­i­tal. My hotel, the Pearl Palace, was nice for sleep­ing but also quite cost­ly for indi­an rela­tions: I paid 20 Euros for one night! The food shall be as men­tioned one oft he best in Jaipur. I only had break­fast there and it was okay but noth­ing special.

On the next day on the way to an ATM I met Babu, who is a Tuk­Tuk dri­ver. He showed me untill my depar­ture to Pushkar which was in the late after­noon the whole city: he drove me to Amber, we vis­it­ed some tem­ples and a step­well over there. He invit­ed me for a pineap­ple shake or some food. More­over Babu sug­gest­ed me not to go the Amber Fort and the City Palace, because the entrance fee is quite high and I´d see the fort in Jodh­pur which is saif to be the most beau­ti­ful fort in India. I would only stay 1 night in Jaipur so I decid­ed not to vist the fort, the city palace and the Albert Hall muse­um. I only went to these sights and had a look from out­side which was also already quite impres­sive and inter­est­ing. Fur­ther­more there are many beau­ti­ful tem­ples and build­ings to see in Amber and the Pink City and that´s for free!

At 4 pm I took a direct local bus to Pushkar. After a 20 min stop over in Ajmer I arrived in the evening. I paid 155 rupees – there´s noth­ing to argue about the price!


After spend­ing only 1 night in Jaipur but hav­ing a quite filled and busy time I was look­ing for­ward for Pushkar. It is one oft he holy towns in India and made it to my favourite loca­tions in Rajasthan! I decid­ed to stay for 4 nights. I couls have stayed eas­i­ly 1,2 weeks there: I enjoyed the sun­sets on the roof top ter­rass­es in cosy cafés, nar­row streets full of shops sell­ing jew­ellery, clothes, etc. and last but not least the beau­ti­ful tem­ples and ghats sur­round­ing the lake. The only Brah­ma tem­ple world­wide (togeth­er with Vish­nu and Shi­va he forms the Trimur­ti; Brah­ma is wor­shipped as the cre­ator) is locat­ed in Pushkar as well as a Gay­a­tri- and a Savri­ti-tem­ple. Both God­dess­es are wifes of Brah­ma respec­tive­ly Gay­a­tri is a rein­car­na­tion of Savri­ti. After 4 amaz­ing days in Pushkar I took a 5 hours local bus via Ajmer to Jodhpur.

“The only Brah­ma tem­ple world­wide (togeth­er with Vish­nu and Shi­va he forms the Trimur­ti; Brah­ma is wor­shipped as the cre­ator) is locat­ed in Pushkar as well as a Gay­a­tri- and a Savri­ti-tem­ple. Both God­dess­es are wifes of Brah­ma respec­tive­ly Gay­a­tri is a rein­car­na­tion of Savriti.”


When I arrived at my acco­mo­da­tion in Jodh­pur the only thing I could think of was sleep­ing. So I did. On the next morn­ing I explored the city first on my own, thwart­ed with­in 4 hours the Mehran­garh fort, which is still and already for 500 years the home of the Maharad­scha fam­i­ly from Jodh­pur and went for din­ner in the old city cen­tre. I enjoyed a tra­di­tion­al thali at a local fam­i­ly. After I went tot he step­well in the cen­tre where I met Kamal from Jaiselmer. He showed me some spots and gave some help­ful tips. After 3 nights in Jodh­pur I felt mov­ing on to Jaiselmer.


Unfor­tu­nate­ly the choice of the bus wasn´t the best one, because we arrived with a 1 hour delay at 10 pm. The first night I spent out­side the fort (each big­ger city in Rajasthan has a fort that is usu­al­ly home for the Maharad­scha fam­i­ly). On the next day I for­tu­nate­ly got to know Tati and Adri­ana from Colom­bia. We had break­fast togeth­er and they told me about a hotel in the fort for only 250 rupees per room. I decid­ed to change my acco­mo­da­tion (also the own­er of the first hotel lied to me and his friend harassed me…things like these hap­pen unfor­tu­nate­ly!). Although I need­ed to pack my back­pack­er again I wouldn´t regret it lat­er: the view from the roof top ter­rasse tot he neigh­bour­ing Jain tem­ples and the beau­ti­ful room made me feel like a princess liv­ing in Ori­ent! The fol­low­ing days the broth­er of my host showed me around on his scoot­er and more­over I enjoed a camel safari in the desert! After 3 nights and 3 amaz­ing days I left Jaiselmer and took a flight to Mum­bai where Rishab await­ed my arrival. I met him 2.5 years ago on Sri Lan­ka as my dive bud­dy and since then we were in contact.

In sum­ma­ry I high­ly enjoyed my stay in Rajasthan and I´ll def­i­nite­ly go again! I had unluck­i­ly only 11 days for the whole state but I if I could I have stayed longer! On my next Rajasthan trip I´ll vis­it Bund­hi and Udaipur for sure and I´ll go again to Pushkar. This city is some­how mag­i­cal to me!

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