My Bucket list

I love trav­el­ling to close as well as remote places, to get to know the indi­vid­u­al­i­ty of oth­er tribes and to expand­ing my hori­zon. Most of all I love the sun and the ocean! 

Same for you? Per­fect! Take your time and get to know some Insid­er tips (Visa require­ments for ger­man pass­port hold­ers, cur­ren­cy con­vert­er to Euros, Vac­ci­na­tion require­ments) by explor­ing my home­page. You’ll find rec­om­men­da­tions for restau­rants, sights and Insid­er tips for explor­ing hid­den places.

On the world map below this text you can scroll over con­ti­nents and by click­ing on a con­ti­nent you´ll get to know more infor­ma­tion about the coun­tries I´ve already vis­it­ed on this continent. 

I wish you lots of fun and I hope this will help you and give you some inspi­ra­tion for your next trav­el destination!!

I don’t know whereto I’m wandering but I’m wandering on my path — 
Carl Sandburg


Important things to do before your travels