Tamil Nadu

1 Week


The first time I stepped into Tamil Nadu in Mudu­malai nation­al park. Actu­al­ly I can´t speak of step­ping into because we were on the way in a local bus to Ooty (Udaga­man­dalam) and the park was on our way. We saw wild ele­phants which was a high­light for sure I hadn´t imag­ined on before! After we had arrived in Ooty I didn´t want to walk 25 min up the hill with 23 kg car­ry­ing on my back so I tried bar­gain­ing (quite unsuc­cess­ful) for a good Rik­sha price fort he way to the hotel. I was too proud to give the Rik­sha dri­ver the price he asked for so I start­ed walk­ing tot he hotel. After 1 min a local guy, who lis­tened to our dis­cus­sion, asked me if he can bring me around. I was so lucky!

My trav­el bud­dies checked into the same hotel and so we shared anoth­er evening togeth­er. My room mate Anna and I decid­ed to stay for a sec­ond night. The next day we explored the Dodd­a­bet­ta peak, which owns the name as the high­est peak in Nil­giri moun­tains with the height of 2600 m. The walk up was amaz­ing! In between we were accom­pa­nied by a moth­er and her 2 sons, we saw the tea man­u­fac­ture, tea plan­ta­tions (and tried the tea), made friend­ship with a huu­uge bull com­ing from nowhere in the for­est and got lost between the freen trees. After a 2,3 hours walk we arrived at the sum­mit and enjoyed the view like many oth­er Indi­an tourists. We clicked some pic­tures, relaxed while eat­ing peanut chick­pea Masala on a big stone heat­ed up by the sun. Before dawn we start­ed going down. Luck­i­ly we were at the per­fect time at the right place for catch­ing the local bus back to Ooty.

On the next day we con­tin­ued our trip to Kochi via Coim­bat­ore. Kochi is a stun­ning fish­er­men town with a big sense for art at the Arra­bi­an Sea. More about that you can read in my trav­el bloq about Kerala!


I should step on Tamil Nadu for a sec­ond time in a city which is called Trichy (Thiruchi­ra­pal­li). My flight from Man­ga­lore reached the air­port in Trichy on time at 6 pm so that I could enjoy my first sun­set in the South­east of India. At the air­port I ordered via the Ola App my first Ola ride. I was picked up with a scoot­er. Despite of my 2 back­pack­ers (65 liters and 25 liters) the scoot­er ride was a per­fect idea I just noticed! Full­moon was about to decrease and we drove around 25 min on a high­way towards the huge ivory-coloured ball that caught my atten­tion ful­ly. I enjoyed the time and the fresh wind so much after breatht­ing the sticky and used air in the plane! After being dropped off by the scoot­er dri­ver (I only paid 95 rupees for a 30 min scoot­er ride) I checked into my room and went for a walk in the city cen­tre. Actu­al­ly I was only look­ing for some­thing to eat. I got to know a spe­cial­i­ty from South India: Man­iokchips with Masala – Mjam­mi! In the next store I want­ed to buy some fruits but instead I met Gili who´s an artist from Israel. After talk­ing for 2 min we became aware of hav­ing been at the same time in Varkala at the same par­ty! He paint­ed the danc­ing peo­ple dur­ing his friend was play­ing per­cus­sion! The pic­tures he took dur­ing the par­ty with his mobile phone left all doubts: on 3,4 pic­tures I rec­og­nized myself!

We went togeth­er through the streets and he took me home. It was already mid­night. On the next day I took a local bus to Sri­na­gar. Over there I met Saran who´s a guide from Trichy. He accom­pa­nied and guid­ed me the whole day, showed me his city, explained inter­est­ing details about Hin­duism and the tem­ples and lis­tened to my ques­tions. We became friends dur­ing the short time we shared. His wife cooked lunch for us and we wantched Bol­ly­wood movies dur­ing eat­ing in their liv­ing room. I loved it and I felt very con­fort­able in his home! In the evening he brought me tot he bus stop which was locat­ed a bit far from the city. He want­ed to be sure that I take the fastest bus to Than­javur. When I entered the bus was com­plete­ly full except 1 seat. I took the seat with my 2 big back­pack­ers and expect­ed now some relax­ation – not even close! The bus was cov­ered with a pinkpur­ple light that seemed to come from a par­ty light source. The light flared the whole bus trip. This whole light sce­nario was sup­port­ed by the finest Bol­ly­wood music! I hadn´t known how loud the music has been before a record­ed a long voice note for a friend in Nether­lands. She answered me that she under­stood com­plete­ly noth­ing! After I had arrived at the bus stand in Than­javur and final­ly in my hotel room I couldn´t moti­vate for a walk and felt asleep immediatly.

“We became friends dur­ing the short time we shared. His wife cooked lunch for us and we wantched Bol­ly­wood movies dur­ing eat­ing in their liv­ing room. I loved it and I felt very com­fort­able in his home!”


The next morn­ing Saran picked me up at my hotel. He came to Than­javur with the local bus to shop me the big tem­ple com­plex and the palast. I was still very tired from the rush oft he last days and made a lit­tle nap in the tem­ple com­plex. It seemed to be very com­mon to use the tem­ple com­plex not only as a space for wor­ship­ping and pray­ing but also for things in dai­ly life like eat­ing, read­ing and nap­ping. We went for lunch to Sarans favourite restau­rant and vis­it­ed a man­u­fac­ture for design­ing the stat­ues made of bronze, sil­ver and gold (I´m sure you´ve seen these Natara­ja stat­ues of a danc­ing man with 6 arms). I learned about all the steps to pre­pare such a stat­ue; from design­ing the neg­a­tive 3D print made from loam, melt­ing the met­al and final­ly after dry­ing the raw stat­ue soft-design­ing the cer­tain fig­ure of Natara­ja, Ganee­sha, etc.. For­tu­nate­ly I couldn´t buy some­thing because I´d be still too long trav­el­ling and I didn´t want to send again anoth­er par­cel to Del­hi. How­ev­er this should change again in Maha­bal­a­pu­ram, where I dis­cov­ered some­thing spe­cial I lost my heart to (you´ll read in my trav­el report about Puducherry).

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